Monday, January 16, 2012


Due to my highly productive day, I have decided to give you the double shot of blog today. No chaser.

Since I've been cooking more and more I decided it was time to take a trip to my storage unit and pull out all the neat cooking gadgets I received as wedding gifts. My roommates Target knife set was no longer doing the trick, and one set of tongs? Counter productive. So here's what I grabbed!

My chopper, my self sharpening knife, my multi slicer, my mega spatula! Oh my!
Luckily for me, I happened to get married around the time when my sisters "get rich quick" scheme was selling shit for Pampered Chef. And when I say shit, I mean amazing cooking ware I will never sell. To tell you the truth, I forgot I had so much stuff. It's like the wedding god's predicted I'd get fat, have to lose weight and cook for myself. And the orange strips on the utensils? I have roommates. I don't want my classy cutlery to get mixed up in the rapture that is Target silverware.

So pillaging through my storage was not the only thing I did today. I woke up at 4am, tortured some private clients, went to the bank, checked on a donation for the competition, purchased a lulu lemon hoodie (shhhhhh!) did a light workout, went to costco (record time and amount purchased. $17.91 & i was in and out in 12 minutes WITH A RETURN!) got a massage, went to the mall, grabbed food for atom and I, went to the storage for a couple hours, went back to the gym, trained someone at 5pm, did my endurance intervals, work on some stability exercises, went to trader joes, came home, cook dinner and breakfast for tomorrow.

 It's almost 11pm and I'm ready to hit the sack. But the question remains, does being paleo make you more productive? Does it give you energy and motivation like you've never had before? I can tell you right now if it was 6 months ago, it would've taken me a month to finish all these tasks. I would've thrown a nap in there or a trip to the bar. Maybe 2. So this really gets me thinking back to October when I went to San Diego for the OPT big dawg bash. If you don't know who OPT is, look him up. Good shit. Anyway, they talked a lot about how what and how you eat can affect you mentally. Things like anxiety & depression, were both rooted in the reason and results of what we eat. We get nervous, we eat. We get sad, we eat. But worse than being nervous. We eat these comfort foods which spike insulin and cortisol levels and our whole body is out of whack. We leave our immune system to attack what our emotion has put in our body. And the end result? Well you're not gonna get thinner eating comfort foods, you are gonna be sick, unhealthy and depressed. And the cycle just repeats itself. 

So take into account how great you feel. If you really want to test it, do what Josh K did over the weekend and eat some bread and crap. When you feel like a donkey's ass in the morning, you'll hop right back on the wagon.

I made some amaze balls dishes tonight but I'm on the verge of falling asleep on my laptop so I'll make your mouth water in the morning.

1 comment:

Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

Woke up at 4am and didn't even have the urge to take a nap! Go Paleo Go!