Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Om nom nom!

How goes it fellow Paleo Fanatics? Most of you know me, those of you who don't my name is Joshua Kruger and I am going to be trying to help Tara post on our FTF Paleo blog. I will be posting/discussing about how to keep it paleo on a budget, packing/planning ahead and other little tasty tricks I have learned in my experience on the Paleo diet.

So how was your lunch today? In my opinion, the work/school day is the easiest time to keep it paleo. Instead of arriving to work empty handed, make sure to pack a lunch (and snacks of course) to keep you on track. Tupperware is my favorite thing, I'd be lost without it. Packing the lunch keeps you well proportioned and forces you to keep the paleo going. Don't you dare touch those cookies or candy on your co-workers desk!!! You don't want it! I also feel it makes the timing of my eating easier as well. I try to space meals out every three hours or so, getting in my protein, fats and carbs.

Pictured is one of my "go-to" meals. It is a frozen turkey patties from Costco (seasoned up with a little paprika, garlic and pepper), wrapped in lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, spicy mustard, avocado and usually a little bacon in there too! These are LOADED with lean protein (30g a patty) and taste amazing! If you have the time, I also recommend making your own patties using ground turkey, eggs, seasoning, mushrooms and onions (and whatever else is in the fridge!). They tend to fall apart a little, but hit them with some high heat on the BBQ and they are delish! A similar mixture can be used in a turkey meatloaf that I really enjoy with a salad, sweet potato and some veggies.

Later next week I will show you how I prep my week of food since I don't have time to come home and cook dinner. I am up early hitting the gym, work or studying 8-5 and night class from 6:30 - 9:30pm. So if I don't plan ahead I am screwed! It costs a LOT more money to go out for every meal and to try to keep it paleo ($10-15) range at least!!! With a tighter budget I can purchase a weeks worth of food for <$50. Thats 5-6 meals a day, monday through friday at about $10 a day! Stay posted and I'll show you my tricks of the trade :)

Example weekday:

6:30 -- Coffee!!! And a protein shake (grassfed whey if you can or any other clean protein) Mix with water (this isn't "Paleo" for the strict type, but it is necessary for me to survive)
9:30 -- 3 eggs, turkey/chicken sausage, avocado, salsa and a little bit of fruit
12:30 -- Double Turkey burger! (See Picture)
3:00 -- snack time with apple, almonds and some beef jerky
6:00 -- dinner time -- Tri-tip or chicken breast with a LOT of broccoli, sliver of avocado and salsa
8:00 -- Optional (depends how starving you are) -- beef jerky, another piece of tri-tip, or protein shake.

How do you guys make it through the week? Do you make the same thing every week or try to switch it up? If anyone has any questions/concerns please don't hesitate to send me an email, post on FB, twitter, text. I am ALWAYS easy to get ahold of one way or another. Keep up the strong work everyone!

Joshua Kruger
Twitter: jkruger13
(559) 281-4909


Jolie Femme said...

Thanks so much for this post! I really enjoyed reading about your food intake. Please keep more information coming!

TARAbull said...

Well I went back to work at Groggs after over a week and man! Was it a lot harder to stay true than I expected. The HUGE bag of jelly bellys I brought after christmas was still here. I had some. I'll admit. Then I violently threw them in the garbage!! Groggs makes a great corn beef and cabbage plate so that was my dinner. It's definitely a lot easier to stay true paleo when I'm just at the gym.

Wid said...

Had a great and different paleo dinner tonite with my brother and his fam. Learned some new recipes. Ill post info and pics asap.